(Report of the Dept. of Ophthalmology of the State Hospital at Szabolcs-utca, Budapest)

Ophthalmologica. Vol. 124. No. 4 (Oktober 1952)

P. Weinstein

Referring tv the teachings of nervism (neuralpathology). therapeutic results in cases of various ophthalmologic troubles (keratitis. plastic iritis, chronic uveitis) achieved by novocain blockade of the ciliary ganglion are described. Satisfactory results are reported in cases of keratitis rosacea, marginal ulcus and corneal infiltration by way of biganglionary blockade (blockade of ggl. ciliare and sphenopalatinum). The combination of the blockade with perilimbal subconjunctival novocain injection proved to be beneficial in treating cases of lymphatic ocular inflammation and suppurative iritis. Pharmacologic and practical experiences concerning contraction of the pupil alter various miotica following blockade of the ciliary ganglion are detailed (pilocarpin effective, eserin not effective). Changes of ocular tension, permeability of the blood-aqueous barrier owing to the blockade are dealt with, and experiments with TEAB are described. Later on, a detailed publication of the latest results is intended.

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